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Anita Patel helps vets in practice to diagnose, treat and manage tricky dermatology cases for small animals under their care.

Who is Anita Patel?

Dr Anita Patel FRCVS is a highly experienced dermatology specialist who provides diagnosis and treatment advice for pets suffering from complex skin, ear and claw complaints that are proving difficult to resolve.

Why choose Anita Patel?

Anita is one of just 25 dermatology specialists approved by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and a former general practice vet. Since 2002, she’s helped thousands of owners and their vets, right across South-East England.

How does it work?

the first step is contact Anita at, sending her a quick summary of the case, the clinical notes (and pics if you have them); and your contact details.

One of the leading dermatologists in the country

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